life is too short for a diary

Hike the Grandfather Trail

Tags: hike

To continue my passion for hiking, I recently visited Grandfather Mountain State Park, one of North Carolina's most iconic hiking destinations. It offers a variety of trails and experiences, but the Grandfather Trail, known for its challenging terrain, ladders, and stunning views, was my primary target.

Planning Your Visit

Before you start your adventure, you'll need a permit, which can be purchased online or upon arrival at the park. I recommend purchasing it ahead of time to save yourself the trouble.

Important Tip: Be sure to download Google Maps before you arrive since there’s limited to no cell service in this area. Alternatively, you can use offline maps on the AllTrails app to keep track of your trail progress.

Also wear sturdy hiking boots with good ankle support. Lastly, the trails closes at 5pm so plan the hike accordingly.

Lower Bridge Parking Spot

After purchasing the ticket, you’ll need to drive for about five minutes to the lower bridge parking spot, which serves as the starting point for your hike. From here, you can take a short trail to the upper parking lot. A notable highlight is the Mile High Swinging Bridge, a suspension bridge offering breathtaking views. After crossing the bridge, there are large boulders where you can sit, rest, or snap some great photos.

Grandfather Trail

Following the signs, we embarked on the Grandfather Trail. Initially, the trail was relatively easy, with rocky paths that weren’t too strenuous. The real challenge began after a while when I encountered the trail's famous ladders. These ladders add an extra layer of difficulty, especially if you're not accustomed to heights.

Climbing the Ladders

The ascent was fun and manageable for the most part. The final stretch, however, included a particularly steep ladder followed by a section where you need to hold onto a rope for extra support as you pull yourself up. It felt like an adventure straight out of a mountaineering expedition.

The Summit

Reaching the summit, I was greeted with stunning views—despite the mist. It was a damp, cloudy day, and while visibility was limited, the experience was serene and peaceful. The mist added a mystical element to the landscape, making it feel as though I was walking through the clouds.


Surprisingly, the most challenging part of the hike wasn’t the climb up but rather the descent down the ladders. It required careful attention, and I took my time to ensure I had secure footing on each step. Once past the ladders, the rest of the trail was enjoyable, offering great opportunities to admire the natural beauty surrounding me.

Fun Fact

As I exited the parking lot, I noticed a fun little sign that read

Forest Gump

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