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Manage Ruby Version using rbenv

Tags: ruby jekyll

Written by: Tushar Sharma
Featured image for Manage Ruby Version using rbenv

I usually build my jekyll website using bundle install. However I started getting following build error:

public_suffix-6.0.1 requires ruby version >= 3.0, which is incompatible with the current version, ruby 2.7.0

Solution: Using rbenv to Manage Ruby Versions

rbenv is a lightweight Ruby version manager that lets you switch between multiple Ruby versions seamlessly.

Step 1: Check Current Ruby Version


ruby --version

You'll likely see:

ruby 2.7.0

Step 2: Install Ruby 3.1.2 with rbenv

  1. Install the desired Ruby version:
rbenv install 3.1.2
  1. Set it as the global default version:
rbenv global 3.1.2
  1. Verify the installed versions:
rbenv versions

The output should list 3.1.2 as the active version.

Step 3: Update Shell Configuration

If ruby --version still shows 2.7.0, ensure your shell is properly configured to use rbenv.

  1. Add the following lines to your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.bash_profile):
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
  1. Reload your shell configuration:
source ~/.bashrc   # Or source ~/.zshrc
  1. Rehash rbenv to update the shims:
rbenv rehash

Step 4: Verify the Ruby Version

Check again:

ruby --version

Now, it should display:

ruby 3.1.2

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