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Optimizing SQL Queries - Understanding and Refreshing Materialized Views

Tags: sql database python docker

Written by: Tushar Sharma

When to use a materialized view? And how does it perform against a normal view. Benchmarking using docker.

What's a view?

A view is a virtual table based on a result-set of a SQL query. It's not physically materialized, the query is run every time the view is referenced.

Materialized view

A materialized view is a physical table that contains the result of a query. It's used when the query is complex and involves large amounts of data, making it unfeasible to execute each time. Instead, results are pre-computed and stored in the view.

Stale data

Data can become stale after a time in a materialized view. Since the data is pre-computed and stored, it can get out of sync with the underlying base tables if those tables are updated.

The concurrency option is more resource-intensive and might not be suitable for all scenarios.


Traditional refresh

Drop the old version of the view and replace it with new one. This can cause issues as it can block other queries from reading the view during the refresh process.

refresh materialized view view_name

Concurrent refresh

Queries can read the view even when the view is getting refreshed as the update can be performed concurrently in the background. In order to use this approach, a unique index must be added to the materialized view. This unique index acts as a lookup table while the table is refreshing.

create unique index my_unique_index on test. programs(program_id);

refresh materialized view concurrently view_name;

Benchmarking with Docker


FROM postgres:latest

RUN mkdir -p /data/postgres
COPY schema.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

ENTRYPOINT ["", "postgres"]

This dockerfile defines a container based on official PostgreSQL image. It creates a directory for persistent data and copies a schema file (containing the materialized view definition and sample data) to the initialization directory, ensuring the schema is applied when the container starts.


This schema creates a courses table and a programs materialized view contianing the count of courses grouped by ID. Additionally, it defines a unique index on the course_id column of the materialized view, which is necessary for concurrent refresh.

create table courses (
 course_id serial primary key,
 course_name varchar(255) not null

create materialized view programs as 
    select c.course_id, count(*) as program_count
    from courses c 
    group by c.course_id;

create unique index idx_programs on programs(course_id);

Deploy postgres container

Build and run the container using docker-

$ docker build -t my_postgres_image .
$ docker run --name my_postgres_container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password my_postgres_image

Install dependencies

$ python3 -m venv myenv 
$ . myenv/bin/activate
$ pip install psycopg2-binary
$ python

Python script


Traditional refresh are usually faster than concurrent refresh. However traditional refresh take longer time for queries due to lock mechanism.

***Traditional Refresh***
Refresh time:  1.312699794769287
Fetch time:  1.4531309604644775
***Concurrent Refresh***
Refresh time:  6.476271152496338
Fetch time:  1.2998201847076416

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