life is too short for a diary

Weekly Logs from Jan 8 to Jan 14, 2024

Tags: diary letters

Written by: Tushar Sharma;

Snapshot of my habits

Activity Streak Count Logging

Jan 8, 2024

Sharing highlighted code in Browser

Sometimes its useful to highlight part of code when sharing the code via browser . In Bitbucket , you can highlight lines by appending # after the url followed by line numbers. For example to highlight from line 1 to 24, you can do


This will hightlight line 1 to 24.

In Github you can do similar like${repo}/${file}#L1-L24

Jan 13, 2024

In Mac, I use brew for installing most of the services.

To view a list of services

$ brew services list

Staring a service

$ brew services start service_name

Stopping a service

$ brew services stop service_name

Restarting a service

$ brew services restart service_name

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