life is too short for a diary

Weekly Logs From Apr 1 to Apr 7, 2024

Tags: diary letters

Dear Vishi, this is my weekly logs from Apr 1 to Apr 7, 2024.

Snapshot of my habits

Activity Streak Count Logging

Magnesium supplements

I usually take two supplements -

  1. B12 on empty stomach

  2. D3 with food

Recently I cam across multiple tweets extolling magnesium supplements1.

Which foods are rich in magnesium? Like nuts and seeds like almonds, cashews. Green vegetables like spinach, kale, etc. Fruits like avacado, banana, etc. Fish like salmon, etc2.

Can there be an overdose of magnesium? In healthy individuals, an overdose of magnesium from dietary sources is rare because the kidneys efficiently eliminate any excess amounts. However, it's essential to approach magnesium supplements with caution, as they can lead to adverse effects if consumed in excessively high quantities, especially in individuals with kidney dysfunction.3.

Lastly, do we need supplments if we dont have a deficiency? There's a huge market for supplements so I'm skeptical in taking any supplements that is touted as a wonder pill. If people lost weight just by drinking green tea or cured baldness by just applying rosemary / mustard / bla oil, there would be no overweight or bald person in the entire world?

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