Dear Vishi, this is my weekly logs from Nov 4 to 10, 2024.
Activity | Streak | Count | Logging |
I started playing Hellblade. I bought it for discount on Steam.
Should movies be banned in any country? Exception - child pronography, direct incitement to violence or treason for leaking national security States's secrets. But what about if the head of the State don't like the movie for whatever reason.
Kerala Story, much liked by right wing, was banned in West Bengal. Parzania was banned in Gujarat which I believe would be much liked by the left. You can't cheer for one ban and oppose another. I reminds me a quote by Noam Chmosky
If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
No movies should be banned period. Especially on the flimsy ground of 'hurting sentiments'. And all right wing and left wing parties in India has been guilty of censorship.