life is too short for a diary

Weekly Logs from Nov Nov 18 to 24, 2024

Tags: diary letters

Written by: Tushar Sharma
Featured image for Weekly Logs from Nov Nov 18 to 24, 2024

Dear Vishi, this is my weekly logs from Nov 18 to 24, 2024.

Snapshot of my habits

Activity Streak Count Logging

Sunday Musing

Scroll to Bottom of Google sheets

I despise having to scroll to bottom of the Google Sheet with large entries. Go to Extentions->Apps Script and add this to the file

function onOpen() {
    let ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    let sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();

Bangladesh Hindus

This is what Donald Trump tweeted on Diwali before US elections

Bangladesh has seen a recent ousting of their prime minister Sheikh Hasina who fled to India. It's interesting that Kamala Harris tweeted no such thing on Bangladesh's Hindus. However, Tulsi Gabbard was more vocal on her tweet on Bangladesh

Movie Picks

Favourite Tracks

Thanks to this song, I learned that New York City was originally called New Amsterdam as it was a Dutch colony in 1624. New York was captured during the reign of King Charles II of England and renamed.

Delete untracked files in Git

You can use git clean to remove untracked file in git repo. You can also provide options

Saturday Musing

Suppress stdout for commands in Makefile

Let's say I've a Makefile

	./gradlew clean build

If I simply run, I can see commands executed by Makefile

$ make build
./gradlew clean build

However I can suppress command using

$ make -s build

Skipping test in JUnit

Skip a test during the build like

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;

public class AppTest {


Thursday Musing

Enable 2FA for Chase

Default 2FA for Chase has only phone options. However if you are outside the U.S., you mostly rely on email for authentication. Go to Chase 2FA and select email

Chase 2FA

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