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Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

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Advanced Encryption Standard, a symmetric key algorithm, implemented in C++. All the parties use the same key for encryption and decryption. It has superseded DES, another symmetric key algorithms.


Rijndael was selected by NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) as AES. Unlike Rijndael in which block length and key length can be specified to any multiple of 32 bits, AES fixes block length to 128 bits and key length to (128 or 192 or 256) bits.


The total number of rounds with key of 128 bits is 10. There are four subroutine that are performed in each rounds.

Each element of state is non-linearly mapped to corresponding element in the s-bx. 1


Rows are cyclically shifted to the left with offset of 0, 1, 2, 3 for rows of 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. 2


Each new column (ro, r1, r2, r3) is generated from old column (a0, a1, a2, a3).


Here, r0 = {2 . a0} + {3 . a1} + {1 . a2} + {1. a3} r1 = {1 . a0} + {2 . a1} + {3 . a2} + {1. a3} r2 = {1 . a0} + {1 . a1} + {2 . a2} + {1 . a3} r3 = {3 . a0} + {1 . a1} + {1 . a2} + {2 . a3}

For each round, subkey is combined with the state matrix using biwise XOR.

Key Generation

Initial key is described as a state matrix.

Co C1 C2 C3
a00 a01 a02 a03
b10 b11 b12 b13
c20 c21 c22 c23
d30 d31 d32 d33

The last column is cyclically rotated to move the last block to the top.

Co C1 C2 C3
a00 a01 a02 d33
b10 b11 b12 a03
c20 c21 c22 b13
d30 d31 d32 c23

The last column is then mapped with the corresponding element of the s-box.

C3   C3'
a00 –> a02
b10 –> b12
c20 –> c22
d30 –> d32

New column C0 is generated by XORing previous C0 with the new column.

C0   C3'
a00 a02
b10 b12
c20 c22
d30 d32

Similarly all new coulumns are generated by XORing with pervious columns.




  3. Understanding AES Mix-Columns Transformation Calculation by Kit Choy Xintong 

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