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Posts Tagged: india

Who Destroyed Nalanda University

Nalanda University, located in present-day Bihar, India, was one of the most renowned centers of learning in the ancient world. Its destruction marks a significant loss to global intellectual heritage, but the question of who destroyed this great institution remains a subject of debate among historians and scholars. ..

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US H1b visa dropbox experience in India

As a non-immigrant worker in the United States, navigating the visa stamping process can be a cumbersome task. However, with proper planning and understanding of the process, the journey can be much smoother...

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Why homeopathy is so popular in India?

I recently came across a Youtube video of a famous Indian actress Genelia Deshmukh promoting homeopathic products. The Bollywood couple, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, has invested in Welcome Cure, a Homeopathy treatment service platform. Science has repeatedly dismissed homeopathy as quakery or at best placebo, but that has not deter companies or Indian government to continue to fund and research in homeopathy...

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Unwarranted Controversy - Hum Dekhenge

India is currently witnessing multiple protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) passed by the BJP (the ruling party of India). In a nutshell it fast tracks citizenship to few religiously persecuted refugees like Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist, Christian and Parsi from neighbouring countries...

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Decoding ndtv darwin's theory debate

I wanted to decode an old debate that I saw on ndtv. It was about a controversy erupted by the comments of a junior Indian education minister, Satyapal Singh. He is India's Minister of State for Human Resource Development. He had claimed that evolution is "scientifically wrong" because he never **saw an ape turning into human being**...

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What India can learn from Pakistan?

On a brisk day, I was carpooling with my manager. Amidst the roaring traffic, was the familiar melodious voice on the radio. We have grown accustomed to the RJ who played songs that was music to our ears. As my manager revved up the engine, with the occasional drip in audio of the AM, often we broke into conversation...

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A random stranger

It was just another day in Bangalore. I caught the bus from the /*Kormangala* bus depot. Amid exhausting heat & nudging elbows, I somehow managed to grab a seat in the bus. Securing a seat in the Indian bus during peak time is considered a fortune. This often attracts resentful eyes. However my Indian genes have made me immune to both pani puri & judgment...

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Shooting the Messenger

"India’s Daughter”, a documentary on Gang rape of 2012 has been officially banned. The Indian government went all gun to arrest the release of the documentary in India & abroad. BBC, Google, Youtube have all been sent legal notices to comply with the government’s diktat. Congratulations! We have shown the world that we will silence anything that will make us uncomfortable...

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Fear of Walmart

After a ruckus, the government agreed to roll back the proposed decision to increase FDI in retail sector. This could have paved way for the behemoth giants like Walmart to enter India. Indian Inc. was largely disappointed with the lack of much needed retail reform while the opposition parties including the local shopkeeper rejoiced over the fear of Walmart...

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