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Deploy an Angular App to GitHub Pages for Free

Tags: angular gitHub pages

Written by: Tushar Sharma
Featured image for Deploy an Angular App to GitHub Pages for Free

GitHub Pages provides a simple way to host static websites for free. In this guide, we'll create a basic Angular app, build it for production, and deploy it to GitHub Pages.


Ensure you have the following installed:

Step 1: Create an Angular App

First, generate a new Angular project:

This creates a new Angular project with default settings.

Step 2: Build the Angular App

To deploy the app, we need to create a production-ready build:


The output files will be in the dist/my-angular-app directory.

Step 3: Create a GitHub Repository

  1. Go to GitHub.

  2. Click New repository.

  3. Name it my-angular-app.

  4. Initialize with a README (optional).

  5. Click Create repository.

Step 4: Deploy to GitHub Pages

We’ll use the gh-pages branch for deployment.

Initialize Git and Push Code

Deploy the Build to GitHub Pages

  1. Install the GitHub Pages deployment package:
  1. Deploy the app:

Step 5: Enable GitHub Pages

  1. Go to your GitHub repository.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Pages.

  3. Under Branch, select gh-pages.

  4. Click Save.

Step 6: Access Your Live App

After a few minutes, your app will be available at:


You’ve successfully deployed an Angular app to GitHub Pages! This method is ideal for hosting small projects, demos, or personal portfolios.


Now, you can easily share your Angular project with the world! 🚀

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