Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform designed to handle real-time data streams efficiently. It uses a publish-subscribe model, where producers publish messages to topics, and consumers subscribe to those topics to receive the messages. Amazon MSK simplifies the deployment and management of Kafka clusters on AWS, providing a fully managed and scalable solution. You can use AWS lambda in python to publish to MSK topic...
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In AWS Lambda functions, it's common to use temporary directories for tasks like generating temporary files, storing intermediate data, or processing data securely. However, improperly managing publicly writable directories can lead to security vulnerabilities. In this article, we'll explore how to address this issue and ensure safe usage of temporary directories in AWS Lambda functions using Python's tempfile module...
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Testcontainers is a Java library that provides lightweight, disposable containers for running integration tests. It's a useful tool for testing applications that rely on external dependencies like databases or message queues...
Continue reading → Tags : java spring boot testcontainers