life is too short for a diary

Posts Tagged: opinion

Unsolicited Advice - The noise of Well Meaning Strangers

Consider the following scenario: You're sitting on a bus when a stranger initiates a conversation. "What do you do for a living?" he asks. At this time, I was unemployed. "I'm currently in between jobs," I responded...

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Is Wikipedia bias?

What's the first link that google throws at you when you search anything? Wikipedia is always foremost search result that you encounter. When it comes to science and technology, Wikipedia often provides good foundation for the beginners. However when it comes to politics, Wikipedia often begins to falter...

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Sleeping At Night

It feels great to sleep at night. I have a small but a cozy room. It’s not lavish or splending. It doesn’t even hoard much furniture. However it’s as peaceful as it can get...

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Lazy Meditation

The sun’s rays had already crept through my window & drenched my room with light. Sleep taste sweetest when you resist it. It is but with a heavy heart that I relinquish my sleep & pull myself together...

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