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Getting Started with decorators in Python

In python, everything is an object. So functons are also objects which can be passed around. A decorator is a function that receives a function and returns a function...

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Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick up solution leetcode

An interesting problem on leetcode to find minimum number of ways to pick up consecutive cards. We will start with a brute force algorithm that would exceed in time limit. Later we will improve upon this algorithm using hashmap...

Continue reading → Tags : leetcode java python hashmap

Neovim Setup with LunarVim

I am an ardent vim user. A forked version of vim called neovim recently caught my attention. It has more features like support for language server protocol that provides auto-complete, etc. LunarVim provides neovim configuration files so that it behaves as an IDE...

Continue reading → Tags : vim neovim lunarvim