life is too short for a diary

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Dear Vishi, what's a carcinogen?

If you are not living under a cave, you probably have already heard about carcinogens. News is often awash with headlines alerting perils of carcinogens. In a nutshell, these are substances that have the potential to cause cancer. Not all carcinogens cause cancer. Not all cancer is caused by carcinogens. Cancer is a complicated group of diseases. Of course, it’s not my forte to expound on the subject of cancer. However, we should try to understand how carcinogens are identified and what we should do to protect ourselves...

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Dear Vishi, can you meditate like a monk?

Today I tried to meditate again. I used Insight Timer app for background sound. However I think I'll just stick to Youtube as it has more varieties. I struggled for 20 minutes sitting cross-legged as my mind wandered in the labyrinth of thoughts. I guess it will take more practice to hone my skill. Have you ever wondered how monks can meditate for countless hours or days?..

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Dear Vishi, is there a time machine?

Did you remember we watched The Time Machine movie together? The protagonist loses his fiancée when a mugger kills her. He then builds a time machine to travel back in time to save her. Of course multiple movies have been made romanticizing the concept of time machine...

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