life is too short for a diary

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Unsolicited Advice - The noise of Well Meaning Strangers

Consider the following scenario: You're sitting on a bus when a stranger initiates a conversation. "What do you do for a living?" he asks. At this time, I was unemployed. "I'm currently in between jobs," I responded...

Continue reading → Tags : opinion

Optimizing SQL Queries - Understanding and Refreshing Materialized Views

When to use a materialized view? And how does it perform against a normal view. Benchmarking using docker...

Continue reading → Tags : sql database python docker

Resolving chromedrive verification error in MacOS

The MacOS Catalina (v 10.15.3) has a security feature known as Gatekeeper, which verifies downloaded applications. When you encounter the error: "chromedriver" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified, it's due to Gatekeeper restricting the execution of the chromedriver executable. This is because it doesn't recognize the developer, which is a common issue for developers and testers who use chromedriver for browser automation...

Continue reading → Tags : macos