life is too short for a diary

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Dear Vishi, daily log on Oct 7, 2023

Dear Vishi, this is my daily log for Oct 7, 2023...

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Sunscreen for Dummies

When it comes to selecting sunscreen, the options might seem overwhelming. With an array of brands and SPF numbers on the shelves, it's essential to understand what these numbers mean and the importance of using sunscreen. Let's delve into the science behind it...

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Delving into CommandLineRunner in Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides a range of functionalities that allow developers to run specific code blocks during the application's lifecycle. One such feature is the CommandLineRunner interface. This interface is specifically designed to execute a code block just once, right after the Spring Boot application has initialized. This can be particularly useful for tasks like database seeding, running sanity checks, or any other initialization logic you want to run before your application begins processing...

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