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Getting Started with decorators in Python

In python, everything is an object. So functons are also objects which can be passed around. A decorator is a function that receives a function and returns a function...

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Minimum Consecutive Cards to Pick up solution leetcode

An interesting problem on leetcode to find minimum number of ways to pick up consecutive cards. We will start with a brute force algorithm that would exceed in time limit. Later we will improve upon this algorithm using hashmap...

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Neovim Setup with LunarVim

I am an ardent vim user. A forked version of vim called neovim recently caught my attention. It has more features like support for language server protocol that provides auto-complete, etc. LunarVim provides neovim configuration files so that it behaves as an IDE...

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Fix WSL2 internet connection while on VPN

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) provides native Linux environment for Windows. It's great alternative to cygwin which can't run native Linux apps. However WSL2 doesn't have out-of-box connectivity with internet once you connect with vpn...

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