life is too short for a diary

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Getting Started with AWS CDK

Cloudformation service in AWS allows you to describe an entire set of resources required to make a pipeline. The cloudformation template can be described in JSON or YAML format. Updating the cloudformation template was not a pleasant experience. I wanted to discover alternative ways to generate cloudformation template programmatically...

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Dear Vishi, what if Dehradun was in Nepal?

What’s a nationality? The idea of the nation-state is pretty modern. Ancient lands were usually under the suzerainty of kings & queens. While most emperors spilled blood to expand their kingdom, the common man was seldom concerned about borders...

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Dear Vishi, what's a carcinogen?

If you are not living under a cave, you probably have already heard about carcinogens. News is often awash with headlines alerting perils of carcinogens. In a nutshell, these are substances that have the potential to cause cancer. Not all carcinogens cause cancer. Not all cancer is caused by carcinogens. Cancer is a complicated group of diseases. Of course, it’s not my forte to expound on the subject of cancer. However, we should try to understand how carcinogens are identified and what we should do to protect ourselves...

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