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Learning Tennis

Badminton sport has a low learning curve unlike tennis. Even your granny can hit a birdie. I grew up playing badminton but decided to try my luck with tennis. "Playing tennis would be a cakewalk", I thought. However my hubris was soon deflated...

Continue reading → Tags : tennis recreation badminton sports

Leetcode - Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

In this leetcode problem, we are asked to find the length of the longest string of characters in a provided string that does not contain repeating characters. In other words, in the string abcabcbb the longest substring without repeating characters is abc (with a length of 3)...

Continue reading → Tags : leetcode two pointers set string

Debugging Spark Application Locally using remote container

One of the nifty feature in any code development is the ability to debug your application using break points. Submitting a Spark job while waiting for it to complete will waste a lot of time debugging. Spark jobs can be debugging with break points and step over and step into and step out commands...

Continue reading → Tags : spark pyspark docker vscode