life is too short for a diary

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Bike Ride in Mexico City

This is my first time visiting Mexico city, also known as CDMX. Initially I was scared to come here because of Narcos. However during my brief two weeks stay I have felt safe. With my limited Spanish, I decided to book an Airbnb experience for a bike tour...

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Dear Vishi, have you seen a ghost?

Do you believe in ghosts? I did when I was a kid. I was infatuated with the paranormal. Sometimes I used to wander around desolate buildings with other kids concocting horror stories. I loquaciously gossiped about ghosts in school which earned me a sizeable audience. I was convinced that someday I would stumble upon an innocuous spirit that would instill some unearthly powers in me...

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Automate creation of AWS Stack

AWS CDK is a great framework to programmatically deploy cloudformation stack. If you are unfamiliar with AWS CDK, I would recommend first to check out Getting started with AWS CDK...

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