life is too short for a diary

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Why homeopathy is so popular in India?

I recently came across a Youtube video of a famous Indian actress Genelia Deshmukh promoting homeopathic products. The Bollywood couple, Riteish and Genelia Deshmukh, has invested in Welcome Cure, a Homeopathy treatment service platform. Science has repeatedly dismissed homeopathy as quakery or at best placebo, but that has not deter companies or Indian government to continue to fund and research in homeopathy...

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Demon Haunted World's review part 1

This is my Part 1 of the review of Carl Sagan's book, Demon-Haunted World. This is more of my commentary rather than a review of the book.

I have begun to realize how many posts on Facebook, Whatsapp, etc contains pseudoscience and misinformation. Few posts are easy to debunk. Magic water curing cancer is a no-brainer. However other posts are too meticulous to debunk. I thought it might be fruitful for me as a layman to learn critical & skeptical thinking from a famous astrophysicist, Carl Sagan...

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Connecting to Oracle database form Scala using JDBC for large data

I was looking to write a scala script to fetch large data from Oracle database. I was earlier using the Alteryx software to fetch data (around 1 million rows) from oracle which took around 7 minutes. Licensed softwares like Alteryx or Informatica, etc are great, but I was looking for a free solution...

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