life is too short for a diary

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A random stranger

It was just another day in Bangalore. I caught the bus from the /Kormangala bus depot. Amid exhausting heat & nudging elbows, I somehow managed to grab a seat in the bus. Securing a seat in the Indian bus during peak time is considered a fortune. This often attracts resentful eyes. However my Indian genes have made me immune to both pani puri & judgment...

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Setup php on MacOS localhost

Users with the newest versions of Mac OS X (Mountain Lion or later) no longer see the option of web sharing in System Preferences->Sharing. If you are a web developer / designer, you might find this change unpleasant. However Mac OS X still includes Apache HTTP version.

Testing web sites on your personal computer is indispensable for web developers / designers. Enabling php on Mac OX S is plain and easy. ..

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Get all GET and POST requests using tshark

Browsers have made browsing insanely easy. Toolbar fetches webpage magically. However, under the hood, lots of requests are exchanged. These requests are based on REST architecture.

What is REST? REST is REpresentational State Transfer. Loosely speaking it defines how resources are exchanged based on item of request. Two most common HTTP Request Methods are POST and GET. Using tshark, we can see the headers exchange as you browse the web...

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