The other day I stumble upon the question to find the kth largest element in the array. At first glance, I thought the solution was trivial. But later I thought that there are multiple ways to achieve efficient solution...
Continue reading → Tags : algorithm ruby heap max-heap projects
It was just another day in Bangalore. I caught the bus from the /Kormangala bus depot. Amid exhausting heat & nudging elbows, I somehow managed to grab a seat in the bus. Securing a seat in the Indian bus during peak time is considered a fortune. This often attracts resentful eyes. However my Indian genes have made me immune to both pani puri & judgment...
Continue reading → Tags : story india fiction bangalore sci-fi
Users with the newest versions of Mac OS X (Mountain Lion or later) no longer see the option of web sharing in System Preferences->Sharing
. If you are a web developer / designer, you might find this change unpleasant. However Mac OS X still includes Apache HTTP version.
Testing web sites on your personal computer is indispensable for web developers / designers. Enabling php
on Mac OX S is plain and easy. ..
Continue reading → Tags : macos php