In Spring application, it's common to have multiple beans of the same type. However, this can lead to issues when Spring tries to autowire these beans, as it doesn't know which bean to inject. This problem can be resolved using Qualifier annotation...
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git stash is a powerful and nifty feature in Git that allows you to temporarily set aside changes you've made to your working directory. This can be incredibly useful when you need to switch branches but aren't ready to commit your changes. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to use git stash effectively...
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What's a dopamine? It's a molecule secreated by part of brain. Often dubbed pleasure molecule, it's presumed to be released when we experience pleasures. However this book explores how dopamine is a molecule of more not just pleasure. Like the author said the dopamine activity is not a marker of pleasure. It's a reaction to the unexpected - to possibility and anticipation...
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